

It is common to think of wind speed and direction indicators and navigation lights when speaking of mast equipment, but the term covers a much wider range of things such as rigging, blocks, halyards etc. Depending on your mast setup, you will have specific needs in terms of mast equipment.

The most important thing is to check the mast and its equipment regularly for signs of wear and tear to avoid possible damages or even physical injury to your crew.

ASPAR-RIGGING is able to advise and provide solutions for your problems. Each inspection of the mast or deck equipment is followed by a written report and photos. The client is then advised on possible solutions and the work is planned accordingly.

Different spreader profiles are available below and our rigging solutions are available here.

If you cannot find what you are looking for or if you need any advice, please send us an inquiry, we will be happy to help.

Spreader profiles

Profile Dimensions Weight kg/m
Z Dériveur 44 x 9 0,4
Z 60 55 x 20 0,5
Z 65 56 x 21 0,5
Z 80 56 x 25 0,8
Z 95 80 x 25 1,25
Z 240 130 x 40 2,4
Z 341 155 x 49 3,6
Z 541 180 x 60 5,4

Certified Service Center

We are a part of the network members inside BSI Group as a Certified Service Center

As a service center, we follow BSI’s recommendations and guidelines. We are fully backed by the factory and we only use BSI supplied, or approved, materials when doing the refits for new or previously supplied BSI projects. This ensures complete visibility and history of all materials installed in the rigging package.